Our SUPERINGA Mother Brand has brought into the market superior and innovative healthy food, beverages and nutrient supplements using Moringa Oleifera. The business operates across the Food, Beverage, Sports, Health and Nutrient industry with focus on creating the Superinga Brand as a global brand. “Mo Fuel, The World’s First Think Drink – is just one of our unique Superinga Brand beverage , ready to drink (RTD) moringa extract Energy Drink. “ The core ingredient of the SUPERINGA brand is the Miracle Plant, Moringa Oleifera, a superfood developed into finished products which are positioned to be superior to any other products in the marketplace. SUPERINGA products are proven to assist with the overall well-being of the human body. The pure Moringa raw material provides all the essential nutrients to assist human beings to fight off rampant virus diseases and emerging variants to promote maximum wellness.